The M and J Absolute Truss Locking Unit G22/Way (ATLU) has recently been reconfigured in order to make the unit more robust, more compact, more user-friendly and quicker/easier to install.
Advantages of the new Absolute Truss Locking Unit G2 (2/Way):
More Robust – It is a forged and not a fabricated product.
More Compact and lighter than the previous 2 way unit –50% smaller in size, and weighs 1kg compared with2.2kg
More User Friendly–It has less components, therefore less to transport or lose.
Quicker and easier toInstall–Itonlyneedssingle, one-sided tensioning, using AMS technology.
Moreflexibleandadaptable–It can be used across and around development end or large excavation peripheries, around bull-noses or pillars or even as a base for platform construction in large excavations.
Universal–The ATLU G2 is designed to accommodate both 15mm and 18mm strands, AMS Barrels and wedges.